Reconfiguração dinâmica em sistemas de tempo real com restrições de consumo de energia

Reconfiguração dinâmica em sistemas de tempo real com restrições de consumo de energia

Jan 1, 2011·
Ríad Mattos Nassiffe
· 0 min read
This dissertation presents a framework for dynamic, value-based processor time allocation in multi-modal real-time applications under schedulability and energy consumption constraints. The framework is suitable for adaptive real-time embedded systems which need guarantees of energy savings. The dynamic allocation is formulated as a discrete optimization problem for which two algorithms are proposed. The first algorithm is based on the recursive principle of dynamic programming, whereas the second is a greedy heuristic based on Lagrangian and surrogate relaxations. As a means of evaluation, the framework was applied to a real multimedia encoder. Although the formulated problem is NP-Hard, the experimental analysis has shown that the derived heuristic achieves very good approximation results with low computational cost.